The Story of Snow: Perfect Picture Book Friday

Inside: A book review of The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter’s Wonder

Happy Friday! I have a fascinating book to share for  Perfect Picture Book Friday.

Book review with snow related activities. Great for early learners! 

Title: The Story of SNOW: The Science of Winter’s Wonder

Author: Mark Cassino with Jon Nelson, Ph.D.

Illustrations: Nora Aoyagi

Publishing: Chronicle Books, 2009

Ages: 5 to adult

Themes: Snow crystals, Fiction

Opening: “Our story starts on a winter day, high up in the sky, in a cloud that is very, very cold.”

Brief Synopsis:

Showcasing magnified crystals throughout the book, the authors explain how snow is formed. The photographs are breath-taking and my class of Grade 1s was oohing and aahing throughout the reading.

There is a LOT of information packed into this book so we split our reading into two sessions. Much of the information is too complex for young children to completely understand, but it’s easy to read bits and pieces to them, without losing any of the wonder.

We learned that “invisible to the eye” crystals clump together to form snowflakes and that some crystals are actually twins! I highly recommend this book.

Why I Like This Book: It’s gorgeous! It’s factual! It’s extremely interesting!


1.Check this site for a great variety of snow and ice experiments for children.

2. And here’s a cool link for making fake snow!

3. For some beautiful glittery snowman art go to Deep Space Sparkle.

4. She has another snowman project made from tissue paper.

5. Here’s an easy snow painting activity using shaving cream. You can find it at the Learning With Mrs. Parker blog.

6. After we read the book, we made a list of snow facts we learned and then folded round coffee filters to  cut beautiful snowflakes (very simple ~ it was funny to see how much the kids loved doing this).


Happy winter!

Book review with snow related activities. Great for early learners!

18 thoughts on “The Story of Snow: Perfect Picture Book Friday”

  1. Hey Barbara, that book looks wonderful. I'm going to look on Amazon right now!Come on over and enter our giveaway!

  2. This book looks great, and I was delighted to read how your first graders responded so wholeheartedly to the book and to the craft!(I'm also delighted to find your blog. Welcome to Perfect Picture Book Fridays!)

  3. So glad to find your blog — that banner is ADORABLE! I'm a Perfect Picture Booker, too, so nice to meet you. This book looks great and makes me miss the snow even more. And how I love snowmen. Thanks for this review!

  4. Thanks, Megan, Jen and Jennifer. I hope you like the book as much as I do.Glad you got the book, Lory:) I entered your giveaway last night. Keeping my fingers crossed.Thanks so much, Beth and Renee.Sherry! Thank you. How cool is that? I'm on my way over.

  5. Barbara, I really like this selection. I can imagine kids would be fascinated with snow and the science behind it. Great activities too! This is a great addition to our PPB Friday.

  6. Friday, Saturday – close enough 🙂 I'm SO glad you posted this! It looks really wonderful. I love fun factual books. Is this fiction or non-fiction? It seems like non from your synopsis and its content, but with themes of friendship and imagination, maybe it's fiction? Either way, great pick and LOVE the activities!!!

  7. Oops! Well that's embarrassing. I was in such a rush to post this, that I forgot to change the theme from last week. It's non-fiction and the only theme/topic is snow crystals :)Thank you very much, everyone, for all your lovely comments.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful book. My 6 year old loves to know “how things work or where they come from”. Adding it to my to-read list.


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