New Year 2015: Art, Goals, Experiment

Inside: Lots of fun New Year activities for first graders

Hi Everyone!

We had a crazy busy week (as I’m sure you did, too) and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Here’s a look at some of what we were up to!


We started off our week making our New Year’s goals. The goals are written underneath 2015. We added lots of bling to make it all sparkle:)

The flip books were a freebie from the Applicious Teacher.

But we added our own spin with the faces and hats. She updates this sweet resource every year, so be sure to visit and get your current copy.

Happy New Year Resolutions Flap Book for Grade One

The only directions for their goals were that they had to pick two for home and two for school. It was pretty funny to see how many kids resolved to play more video games! Not sure what their parents will think of that:)

Grade One Goals for the New Year


Later in the week the children made these foam wishing wands. They wrote “Wishing You a Happy New Year 2015!” in felt pens.

New Year Wishing Wands

The next morning we played “May There Always Be Sunshine” and danced around the classroom with our wands, wishing our friends something fabulous for the new year.

Everyone agreed it was TONS of fun!


On Friday we continued with the New Year theme and did a combination art/experiment lesson to make fireworks.

As you can see from the pics we used white glue, salt, and food colouring mixed with water.

Wishing you a ONEderful New Year!

14 thoughts on “New Year 2015: Art, Goals, Experiment”

  1. What fun for celebrating the new year!!!! The 1st graders in Glen Rose did a project like your 2015 resolutions with the faces and hats. I have really enjoyed walking through the hallway and seeing them all lined up along the wall – faces laughing and cheering as I pass! Fabulous! You create such a joyful room for your little ones!!!! Thanks for sharing all that JOY! Happy New Year to you!


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