Book Review: First Snow in the Woods

Inside:A book review of First Snow in the Woods.

This is one of the most visually beautiful books I think I’ve ever seen.

Title: First Snow in the Woods
Written by: Carl R. Sams II & Jean Stoick
Publishing: Carl R Sams II Photography, 2007
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Suitable for Ages: 5 to adult
Themes/Topics: Nature, Change, Winter

Opening: “The nights grew longer. The winds blew colder. There was change in the air.

Brief Synopsis: As stated on the cover, this is a photographic fantasy. And it’s NOT to be missed. The photos are absolutely stunning! It’s a gentle, heart-warming story about the animals in the woods preparing for the first winter storm of the year.

Why I Love This Book: Just look at the pictures. They say it all.

Links to Resources: When I was looking for suitable resources I found out that this book has been made into a movie.

1. You can see some clips on YouTube here.

2. Carl Sams’ wildlife photography website is here.

He doesn’t have free activities, but you can see some more beautiful photos as well as many other children’s books he’s written.

3. Since the book is about animals preparing for winter, Over and Under the Snow would be a good companion book as would The Snowy Nap.


20 thoughts on “Book Review: First Snow in the Woods”

  1. Barbara, what a beautiful selection for our PPBF. I love the gorgeous photos. It's a good time to talk about animals preparing and surviving the winter. Hybernation is upon us. And, I loved the movie trailer. – Pat

  2. HI Barbara, Love this book! So beautiful! I am going to check out the movie too. Thanks for sharing such great books. 🙂


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