All in a Rainforest Day

Inside: Book review of All In A Rainforest Day. Includes activities.

Title: All in a Rainforest Day
Author: Ellen B. Senisi
Photographs:  Thomas Marent
Publisher: EdTechLens, 2014
Theme: Non-fiction, Rainforest, Animals
Suitable: Ages 4 and up
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Opening Lines:

Morning sunshine wakes up rainforests around the world. Beams of light touch the tops of the tree canopy. Up in the canopy, baby animals wake to a bright new day.

Summary: This beautiful 31-page book, geared towards the young reader, takes a close-up look at the plant and animal life in a tropical rainforest. What’s really cool about it is that it takes the reader through one day, from sunrise to sunset, and from the uppermost canopy to the lowest. We get up close and personal with a katydid, a proboscis monkey, a lizard, a snake, flatid leaf bugs, an orangutan, and more. This book is perfect for projecting onto a classroom whiteboard or snuggling up close with your child so that the photographs can be truly appreciated. There’s lots of new vocabulary and a handy glossary. All in a Rainforest Day is one component of the Rainforest Journey curriculum package published by EdTechLens.

My Thoughts:

  1. The photos are extremely appealing with large, bright, clear pics on colourful backdrops.The text on each page is minimal but factual AND lyrical.
  2. There are many close-up photos with an emphasis on baby animals.
  3. It takes the reader on a lovely journey from early morning ’til dusk.
  4. The orangutan photos (especially the sleeping baby) drew many oohs and ahs from my class of six-year-olds.
  5. It’s a great introduction to an animal or rainforest unit.

Classroom Connections:

  1. Make a beautiful rainforest habitat diarama like this one from First Palette.
  2. Deep Space Sparkle is my favourite go-to art site and they didn’t disappoint. Check out these super rainforest art projects!
  3. Here’s a really cool rainforest terrarium project from Natural Beach Living.
  4. I loved this exploration of “Why do birds have beaks?” by Mystery Science.
  5. Here’s a fun and colourful rainforest bingo printable from Life Over C’s. It’s free but I believe you have to sign up for the newsletter to get access.

Thank you for reading!

For more great books, be sure to visit Susanna at Perfect Picture Book Friday.

22 thoughts on “All in a Rainforest Day”

  1. Love the looks of this beauty! We enjoy eating at our Rainforest Cafe, but that's as close as I've come to the real deal. Thanks for sharing your reflections and extensions.

  2. My youngest child in prep saw the picture of the cicada and said, \”we need that book at school\” as they have been learning about insects. Lovely pictures.

  3. What a gorgeous book! And I love the Deep Space Sparkle projects too. Love her stuff! Are you going to be testing the rainforest program by any chance? It sounds like a fun thing to get to do.Your new blog header is really pretty!ChrissyFirst Grade Found Me


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