Divergent Thinking in Art

Today was our very first day back at school. Yesterday I carefully planned out what I’d be doing with my returning class (we keep our old class for a couple of days before we receive our new one). I had a couple of fun activities in mind and was raring to go.

But then, this morning as I was having my tea in bed and reading some blogs, I came across Miss Trayer’s post called “Our First Divergent Art”. She blogs at Not Just Child’s Play and is always a worthwhile read.

I was really taken with her art lesson and decided then and there that I was scrapping one of my original activities and we were going to extend ourselves and think outside the box.

Miss Trayers gave  the kids a piece of paper with an “s” shape, and seeing as how this was a VERY last minute decision on my part, I decided to follow suit.  I showed the kids the “s” paper and we spent about 10 minutes talking about how we could incorporate it into a drawing.

We also did a Pair and Share, so they had lots of great ideas. Happily though, some kids came up with completely original ideas. I LOVE it when that happens!

So here you go … this is also OUR very first divergent art:)

Kite string

Dog leash



Dollar signs (an original idea)

Monster mouth



Thank you, Miss Trayers!


14 thoughts on “Divergent Thinking in Art”

  1. So often those spur of the moment are just great, aren't they? I have a bunch that I tried on the fly and now use every year. I love your kids' creativity! Thanks for another good idea. I was just going to head down to the school to plan for Monday and I'm going to include this one!Always Primary


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